Monday, February 15, 2010


I sew on the button eyes and Pepper sparks to life. She looks at me with silent anticipation. She knows her purpose. Whom will she comfort in the days ahead?

When I give Pepper an honest once-over, I notice her legs are too skinny and her torso bulges in all the wrong places. She’s not exactly symmetrical. Nonetheless, she is comfortable in her own skin. She is ready to serve, to love, to listen. I admire her centeredness even though her head isn’t on straight.

I can learn from Pepper, the sock monkey, a gift for my 2-year-old niece. Pepper doesn’t let her imperfections interfere. She goes on being herself –squeezable and one-of-a-kind.

Steph W, for the Poplar Grove Muse


  1. As I already said, I love this!!!!!!!!!!!!! MKP

  2. Pepper! Perfect in every way. BLR
